After reading this article in Media Week online I got intrigued by the content providers such as Demand media. And reading their manifesto I learn that they differ from other more traditional read boring media;
“While more traditional media companies focus on supplying experiences they believe consumers might like, we’re unapologetically dedicated to delivering the ones they already demand.”
I find this a disturbing thought, this means there will be no Auteur in the real sense. Their audience millions of them they boast, know what they want and that’s what they will get. It sounds an obvious point maybe from the company behind site like eHow which basically lives on the idea of user-driven content. However when it comes down to reading or watching stuff for enjoyment or educational needs, I would rather have a meaning behind what I am consuming as an audience. If I am always dictating my own needs reinstating my own desires I will not grow, I will not learn or discover something I did not know before, a new taste a new sound a new idea.
To leave the creation of textual content on Internet to companies that make money of producing what You want, I think paints a scary future, of a like minded, uniform, branded, objectified and commercialized audience, that do know what they want, but doesn’t get what they really need, what is good for you might not always be what you desire.