British Crime-Drama Short Film ‘Lycanthropy’
Lycanthropy follows two detectives the troubled Mark Kessler (Paul Duncan) and his partner John Mills (Stephen Clark), as they search for a missing girl in a suspected case of child abduction. When the case comes to standstill, Kessler decides to take matters into his own hands. At the start, we were rooting for DCI Kessler to get to the bottom of the case and find the culprit, and as they got closer the mood changes and it looks as if Kessler is the villain instead, taking the investigation too far which is a major plot twist. This short film keeps you in suspense till the very end leaving you to predict the possible outcome. A great watch for crime-drama fans!
The story focuses on child abuse, a subject that is sadly more prevalent during the Coronavirus lockdown. It raises awareness to audiences about the horrors of child abuse instead of sugar-coating the issue. This British crime drama has already won multiple awards and has been selected for over thirty high profile international film festivals.
Director/Writer and Creative Producer Alexander Black lives in London. He was born in Germany, to Romanian parents, giving Alex the chance to experience various cultures. His focus is on telling stories with a broad appeal that has an underlying commentary about our society. Black is currently developing his first feature film “New Washington”. He has worked for VICE, The Economist, Google, and several production companies.
Producer Thomas Vernau has a strong background in Post-Production and VFX, he is also the founder of FossilFilm, a Moving Image Production Company for which he won Essex Young Entrepreneur of The Year.
Producer Daniel Peak-Isebor is the Head of Film Production at Macabra Productions, which he also co-founded. Daniel has produced over 12 short films including award-winning short Solitary (Directed by Mark Logan) and award-nominee Broken Swords (Written and Directed by Paul Groom).
The stunning cinematography was created by Kurt Riddell and the music by Rob Northcott.