
The Videoplugger Blog- Reviews & Interviews

Ebba Eriksson

Co founder of Videoplugger and responsible for all things creative as well as HR and administrative issues. An MA graduate from RCA in animation her areas of interest are film, popular culture, art, animation, technology and gossip.

Black Snake Moan review

Pop star Justin Timberlake made his debut riding a blues in Black Snake Moan. Craig Brewer presents a movie based in characters, Lazarus (Samuel L. Jackson) is a large black God-fearing bluesman, and Rae (Christina Ricci) is petite, white and […]


Oscar Night 2007

After many years under the directorial spotlight and living in the shadows of his successful Hollywood collegues, Martin Scorcese finally received top honors at the 79th Academy Awards this year with his Bostonian mob saga, “The Departed.” The acclaimed director […]