
The Videoplugger Blog- Reviews & Interviews

Ebba Eriksson

Co founder of Videoplugger and responsible for all things creative as well as HR and administrative issues. An MA graduate from RCA in animation her areas of interest are film, popular culture, art, animation, technology and gossip.

The Ravello experience

The 2005 edition of the Ravello Festival, Italy, started 1st of July and continues until the 18th September, is available with audio-video clips free to download from the web platform The events of the Ravello festival are available from […]


The Bowl 2005

The local festival that has been going for seven years in the Crystal palace park is one of many Free music events that are typical of England, like the Green festivals that are going on all over Britain the most […]


World poverty, music and tv

Throughout the world Live8 concerts took place, and in the wake of such an event are TV shows that debate political and social issues with participation of activist musicians. Two days ago all the Videoplugger team were invited as audience […]


8 Lives

Before going more in depth about the Live 8 and its huge (video) promotional machine, I would like to suggest you this: (click) TVZnews publishes an interesting interview with Siemens’s Ian Dickerson who has been co-ordinating a “global contribution and […]